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  • Geral

    Social Projects for Health

    18/06/2012 a las 14h39

    Voluntary actions to support Health and Education

    Both Brazil and the contemporary worldwide scenery are passing by several economical transformations generating new models of relationship between institutions and markets, organizations and the society resulting in multiple efforts to face mutual goals and create models of organization concerned to the rising of a good quality of life to their communities.

    With the arrival of concepts such as social responsibility of companies and strengthening of the citizenship that first aroused in the 90’s, the Third Sector is experiencing a major expansion in Brazil. Its actions is arising as the civil society is following the logic of the philanthropy and reciprocity, habits and traditions and even including moral and religious conceptions. Also, it is a mixing of public and private principles, and therefore, it is being consolidated as a mechanism to redistribute wealth.

    Music propitiates joy and relax to patients in hospitals

    “Música nos Hospitais” [Music at Hospitals] has already benefited more than 25 thousand people among physicians, patients, coworkers and visitors through concerts performed in big São Paulo institutions such as Hospital São Paulo (Unifesp), Santa Casa de SP, Instituto do Coração da FMUSP (InCor), Hospital das Clínicas, Hospital A. C. Camargo, Hospital Geral de Itapecerica da Serra, AACD,  Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual Municipal, among others.

    Orquestra do Limiar is composed by 14 young musicians who enthusiastically thrill the audience with familiar pieces composed by great names of the Baroque or Classic music, without forgetting Brazilian and international contemporary composers. The group’s conductor is the physician Samir Rahme and it is presented a program especially turned to patients, employees and visitors in hospitals, with the purpose to provide moments of joy and relax into the hospital environment, comforting patients and thus helping in their recovery.

    "It is a contribution to humanize hospitals granting a moment of relax and musical experience as a cultural increment to the country ", says maestro Samir Rahme.

    The project counts on the incentive of the Rouanet Law from the Ministry of Culture, seeking to make instrumental music popular and valorizing young Brazilian players. 

    São Paulo Association of Medicine, supporter of the project is an entity that represents physicians in the state of São Paulo, and it is a non-profitable organization and a public service entity promoting several free cultural programs open to the public. Besides Música nos Hospitais, it promotes art exhibitions, other musical programs,  cinema followed by debates, lectures on History of the Art, cinema for elder people, and still offering the School of Arts, Library, Pinacoteca, and the Museum of the History of Medicine.

    (foto em arquivo)

    Working for the professional and cultural development to young people

    Supported by the Ministry of Culture (Law of Incentive to the Culture), the project “Instituto Criar de TV” [Creating TV], “Cinema e Novas Mídias” [Cinema and New Media] was first launched in May, 2003 with the purpose to promote professional, cultural and personal development for young people in situation of social and economic vulnerability by means of audiovisual tools. In the following year since it was first launched, the first group of 100 students started attending workshops.

    The entity has already formed near 700 young people since its foundation. Headquartered in the District of Bom Retiro, city of São Paulo, cameraman, audio operators, editors, costume designers apprentices, among other audiovisual professionals circulate rushed through its corridors. A signal lights up in the studio warning: “Recording”.
    it is 3,000 msq of space sheltering 16 shops, two studios, carpentry shop, editing room, finishing, web treatment, digital lab, switcher, video room, hair dresser and makeup room, wardrobe, central of lighting equipments and camera, production room, library and video library, restaurant added to supporting rooms for the crew. The space is called Estúdio Escola [Studio School], and it is structured and equipped similar to a professional production facility with the differential of being used for education purposes.
    Its headquarter was especially designed to shelter Instituto Criar, an educational program that aims propitiating job opportunities to young people for them to conquer and accomplish their independence.

    Medical assistance,  educational and social activities inside communities in need

    Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, located in São Paulo is one of the most famous medical centers in Latin America, and it accomplishes a real exercise of citizenship and social justice in Paraisópolis, deemed the bigger community in need in the city, with 52% of its families living with a lower than three minimum wages income.

    In August, 1997 the hospital’s Department of Volunteers assumed the responsibility to align its experience to a new view in Medicine by prioritizing the prevention of any disease thus promoting health, rather than treating it. Added to medical services of high technology, it was performed social and educational actions among those communities. On January, 1998 these  actions were integrated to a systematic and coherent program named The Einstein Program at the Paraisópolis Community (PECP) that today counts on the decisive participation of entities and persons of recognized capability of action sharing the same ideal: to construct a more fair and equal society.

    The work at that community goes far beyond providing medical assistance. It also comprises a wide relationship for educational and social activities, aiming to improve the quality of life and promoting the citizenship.

    At Paraisópolis, professionals, volunteers, trainees and partners contribute to a process of social transformation by promoting health, education, culture and generating income through the promotion of activities resulting in physical, psychological and social welfare.

    PECP has actions driven to two fronts: Ambulatory that assists 10,000 children from the community, and the Center of Promotion and Attention to Health (CPAS) that assists an average of 5,000 beneficiaries and develops socio-educative activities focused on the needs of that population.

    The hospital believes that the best work is not treating diseases, but instead taking care of persons, and it presents a remarkable performance in highly complex procedures.

    Such excellence is result of a continuous search for the best attendance focusing a humanized assistance, better health professionals and the continuous investment in technology.

    (foto solicitada - Maristela Orlowski - Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - Comunicação Institucional - (11) 2151-0348)

    An African-Brazilian group recognized in the whole World

    Founded in 1979 as a leisure option to those living at Pelourinho (Salvador – Bahia) for them to play during the Carnival in an organized way, Olodum is a non-governmental organization (NGO) engaged in the African-Brazilian movement that develops actions in the fight against social discrimination and guaranteeing civil and human rights to marginalized people not only in Bahia but all over Brazil.

    Olodum is an internationally recognized African-Brazilian group of percussion. It made a tour by several European countries, Japan and almost all South America, and its higher moments of exposition were back in 1990 when it participated playing on the track "The Obvious Child" of the Paul Simon’s album "The Rhythm of the Saints", whose video clip was filmed at Pelourinho, and it was exhibited in more than a hundred countries. After that,  Olodum started participating playing in recordings of other internationally consecrated musicians such as Wayne Shorter, Michael Jackson, Jimmy Cliff, and Herbie Hancock, divulging to the world its mixing of rhythms that includes African beats, reggae, samba, and Latin rhythms. Parallel to the artistic success, Olodum participates in social movements against racism and for civil and human rights.

    Olodum has a school where it is ministered courses such as dance, theater, percussion, diction and musical initiation added to  reinforcement classes aiming to form children, young people and adults by supplying additional knowledge added to those acquired in public schools, thus allowing a wider basic cultural formation that may grant them conditions to take their place into the society as conscious and capable citizens to play a more dignified role.
    Olodum also performed agreements with GAPA (Group to Support and Prevent AIDS) and the Bahia Gay Group to periodically perform lectures and debates aiming to avoid spreading sexually transmissible diseases (DSTs). It also has a fundamental role in fighting the cholera performing lectures and visiting homes to disseminate information on that disease. The group also performs cleanness campaigns putting in practice educational projects to keep the neighborhood clean and even reusing part of the garbage as recyclable material.

    Fostering social integration of persons with physical disabilities

    Promoting the prevention, habilitation and rehabilitation for physically handicapped persons especially children, teenagers and young people and fostering their social integration is the main mission of the Association of Assistance to Deficient Children (AACD), a non-profitable private entity which has been working for more than 61 years on behalf of the welfare of physically handicapped people. It was born from the dream of a physician, Dr. Renato da Costa Bomfim, who wanted to create a rehabilitation center with the same quality than the centers he knew outside Brazil to treat physical handicapped children and adolescents re-inserting them into the society.

    In the beginning, the entity worked in a two storey rent house in the city of São Paulo, but thanks to the collaboration of its first donor, AACD was able to fund its first rehabilitation center on a land which was donated by the City Hall.

    At AACD, patients receive treatment in specializes clinics. After a classification, the patient is assessed by a multidisciplinary team specialized in specific disabilities aiming to treat the patient in the most adequate and less time possible. The specialties now being active at AACD are: Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury (tetraplegia or paraplegia due to injuries in the spinal cord), Acquired Brain Damage (victims of traumatic brain injuries, stroke, cerebral infections, tumors and anoxia), myelomeningocele (birth defect of the spinal cord and the backbone), congenital Malformations (orthogenesis imperfecta, arthrogryposis multiplex and genetic diseases), Amputee (amputations due to traumas, vascular diseases, diabetes, infections, burning and tumors), neuromuscular disorders (myopathy or neuropathy from heredity causes), and Poliomyelitis (effects from child palsy which need specialized treatment, and brachial plexus injury).

    Each of them has a group of specialized professionals capable to supply consistent and uniform treatment to each patient.

    The Clinic for Cerebral Palsy is the greatest at AACD in terms of amount of patients and attendances. It provides treatment to children who suffered brain damage before, during or after birth with sequelas affecting several systems and origins in the human body. The treatment provided aims to stimulate the neuropsychomotor development and to help children to better develop their capabilities. The children is followed by a long term period, and the treatment is offered according to individual needs.

    Para fotos:

    CDI Comunicação Corporativa

    Glaucy Rodrigues (11) 3817-7971 – [email protected]

    Guilherme Sierra (11) 3817-7920 – [email protected]

    Cláudia Santos (11) 3817-7925 – [email protected]

    Employees and volunteers in the daily fight to save lives

    Considered a reference center to treat the disease, GRAACC attends children and adolescents from all over Brazil, assuring assistance of a very high level and performing thousands of attendances each month. Its advantage in its fight against child-juvenile cancer is its hospital, Institute of Pediatric Oncology – IOP/GRAACC/UNIFESP.

    Since 1998 when it was inaugurated, the achievements GRAACC has been attaining providing a whole and humanized treatment in search for the cure of pediatric cancer has won the recognition among the society and the medical community even outside Brazil. The hospital became a center of reference in all Latin America, working with ultimate equipments available in that field as well as with specialized services and achieving excellence in its results in its fighting against the disease. At the same time, the institution has promoted the  development of specialized scientific researches and promoted the formation of highly specialized professionals in child-juvenile oncology.
    Good part of young patients treated at GRAACC is withdrawn from the families and in order to facilitate such situation of taking those children from the familiar routine, they can stay at the Ronald McDonald São Paulo Home inaugurated in 2007, where they count on the extra-hospital support (feeding, education, transportation, and leisure) along the whole period of their treatment. In an innovative experience in terms of health services, this assures the continuity of the medical procedures, thus allowing a major adherence to the treatment and at the same time increasing their chance for cure.
    GRAAC’s management model counts on representative members of the society, university and the business sector. The hospital works under their management and administration while the medical assistance, teaching, and scientific research are developed by means of an agreement signed with the Federal São Paulo University (Unifesp/EPM). It is performed each month more than 4,000 attendances between chemotherapy sessions, medical consultations, ambulatory procedures, surgeries, and bone marrow transplants.
    It counts with an amount of 400 employees and 400 volunteers added to other external coworkers, students from Unifesp/ EPM and outsourced labor, who daily helps the organization to save many lives. The work developed by GRAACC has been acknowledged by the results attained in healing children-adolescents with cancer attaining rates around 70%, close to the ones verified in European and North American health institutions.

    Rio de Janeiro and Brasília are dressing pink as a warning to the breast cancer

    Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro, and the National Congress in Brasília received a special lighting in the first week of October, 2011. The initiative aimed to warn Brazilian people on the importance for the early detection of the breast cancer. The action was part of the Pink October activities, a movement first brought to Brazil in 2008 by Femama – Brazilian Federation of Philanthropic Institutions to the Support of the Healthy Breast.

    According to the National Institute of Cancer (INCA), breast cancer is the major cause of death by cancer among the female population mainly with ages between 40 and 69 years old. INCA estimates that within one year around 50 thousand women will have the disease in the country. Nevertheless, the chance for cure is high (95%), if the problem is discovered early.

    Fuente: Brazilian Health Devices Magazine

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